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Xbox E3 Show

It begins and Microsoft are kicking off our 2014 E3 experience! If you missed it, here's Andys predictions on what the company are likely to pull out of the bag for the show as well as his thoughts on what they should be pushing this year!

Ciaran’s E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Ciaran's E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Release Roundup 07/06/2014

  Missed a big release? Don’t worry, I have you covered with the release roundup from the week – the big ones to the little ones! So, this weeks biggest release is Murdered: Soul Suspect, a murder mystery with a twist, as you are solving your own murder. You play as Ronan O’Connor, a once criminal […]

Weekly Recap 07/06/2014

Well ladies and gentlemen its almost upon us, yes starting this Monday the biggest gaming conference of the year begins, E3. That means a lot of announcements and not a lot of sleep for me, but it’s nothing that a lot of coffee won’t sort. While all the big huge announcements are going to be […]

Banjo Guy Ollie: Tetris Theme A

 Not late just perfectly timed this week! Ollie is back and with purpose, this week he covers ‘Theme A’ from the iconic game Tetris.  Declan DoodyEditor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen! www.the-arcade.ie