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The-Arcade March Giveaways

We have a couple of giveaways announced and planned for March. We’ll drop all the links here and will announce the winners on this post too! Want to enter? Just follow the details below and keep an eye out for more giveaways to come this month. Sapphire Diamanté Dice Set Win an awesome Sapphire Diamanté […]

Octocon 2020 Goes Virtual And Free This Weekend

As you can imagine, there were many great conventions planned throughout the year, both nationally and internationally. Unfortunately, many had to be cancelled or postponed, but thanks to modern technology, some have gone fully online. Octocon is one such convention. Octocon is The National Irish Science Fiction Convention, which is celebrating its 30 Anniversary. Showcasing […]

Comic-Con@Home Begins Today!

Although there is no physical San Diego Comic-Con this year, the first time in its 50 year history, there will be a full programme of panels thanks to its Comic-Con@Home initiative. With no lines and access to all, there will be loads of content to scratch that itch for comic, movie, TV, anime, pop and […]

Cemetery Beach #1 Review

I would read a Warren Ellis shopping list at this stage. He’s a writer that’s consistently very solid, with an insane amount of work. As someone who reads his newsletter religiously (Orbital Operations, and I can’t say this enough: you should read this), I’m always surprised by the crazy amount of projects he has going […]