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Gif Essay: Surviving Horror

There are those of us out there who love nothing more than being scared to our wits end! Think about it! Why else would we clamber into rollercoaster carts, throw ourselves out of planes or dive with sharks. Fear keeps us alive and gets the adrenaline pumping faster than any other emotion we experience (I […]

Gif Essay: The Road To EVO

So you want to get into fighting games? Oh you poor summer child. I hope you are ready for a long journey filled with sweat, tears and plenty of thrown controllers. After that controller breaks we can actually get you something useful and buy you a fightstick. After that we can get into frame data, […]

Gif Essay: The Accidental All-Night Gamer

Sometimes our decisions to game all night can seem premeditated; sometimes spur of the moment but more often than not we’ll find ourselves looking at the clock, absently noticing that it’s 8pm, only to realize it’s 6am the next time our eyes leave the screen. As much as we all might furiously deny that we’ve […]

Gif Essay: Conquering The Collection

Around once a year, it comes time to accept that piles and piles (and piles) of stuff that’s been purchased over the last 10-12 months needs proper cataloging and putting away. Being a comic, movie, game and music collector, there’s always a pile somewhere of fresh additions to the collection that need to be suitably […]