Home Tag "Wii U"

Nintendo Announce End Of Wii-U Production

Nintendo of Japan have updated their website with what is definitively the beginning of the end of the Wii-U. The remaining bundles on Nintendo’s site have been captioned with what translates to “Production is scheduled to end soon” below pictures of the system. The remaining white Wii-U 32GB bundles are now the only remaining retail SKUs […]

Three New LEGO Dimension Sets Announced

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today revealed details around three new  LEGO Dimension sets. The LEGO Batman Movie Story Pack, Excalibur Batman Fun Pack and Knight Rider Fun Pack will be available on February 10th 2017. With the release of the upcoming film on which it’s based, The LEGO Batman Movie Story Pack, will provide a […]

Yooka-Laylee Gamescom Trailer

A new Yooka-Laylee trailer has been released at Gamescom. The game, which was crowd funded via Kickstarter, is being developed by Playtonic Games and is a spiritual successor to the Rare classic, Banjo-Kazooie. The trailer shows some familiar mechanics of power-ups and item collection, in bright and colourful worlds. Yooka-Laylee is set to be released […]

Lego Dimensions E3 Trailer Teases New Sets

LEGO games have gone from strength to strength with individual licences such as STAR WARS or Lord of the Rings. It wasn’t until LEGO Dimensions allowed a massive cross licensed product mash up of dreams. Currently Homer Simpson can team up with Gandalf and Batman to take on Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.  With so many licences available, LEGO […]

Yooka-Laylee E3 Trailer Released

Playtonic Games have released a new trailer for their game Yooka-Laylee. The game, mostly made by ex-Rare employees, showcases some new environments, gameplay, characters and mechanics. It has a lot of Banjo-Kazooie DNA in what was shown and it looks like it will be embracing the fun platforming of the N64 Banjo games. It ends with […]

Pokémon Direct Announced For Friday

Nintendo revealed on Twitter that this Friday, February 26, at 3PM GMT there will be a Nintendo Direct entirely about Pokémon, in celebration of 20 years of the franchise. The Pokemon Direct broadcast will contain “the latest on Pokémon games”. We can probably expect to see some Pokken Tournament Wii U footage and a mention of Pokémon […]