Nintendo of Japan have updated their website with what is definitively the beginning of the end of the Wii-U. The remaining bundles on Nintendo’s site have been captioned with what translates to “Production is scheduled to end soon” below pictures of the system.
The remaining white Wii-U 32GB bundles are now the only remaining retail SKUs being sold by Nintendo, with other bundles marked as no longer in production. The news doesn’t come as much of a surprise given Eurogamer’s report last week of insider reports pertaining to the end of the console’s manufacture. Despite Nintendo’s insistence that production isn’t halting anytime soon, this may be solid proof that the sun sets on the Wii-U.
This could also imply that these specific bundles are ending as opposed to the system as a whole. Splatoon is over a year old and the only major release left this late in the Wii-U lifespan is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It also makes sense given the Nintendo Switch release date of March 2017.