Playtonic Games have released a new trailer for their game Yooka-Laylee. The game, mostly made by ex-Rare employees, showcases some new environments, gameplay, characters and mechanics. It has a lot of Banjo-Kazooie DNA in what was shown and it looks like it will be embracing the fun platforming of the N64 Banjo games. It ends with a new release window of Q1 2017 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4, Wii U & Xbox One. This is a delay on their original October 2016 date that was announced as part of their KickStarter.
In a video with PlayStation Access, Playtonic show off some behind the scenes footage, including sound, design, gameplay mechanics and local multiplayer components. Also revealed is the fact that areas won’t be static worlds and will change with areas evolving and unlocking over time. There will be loads of collectables and challenges to keep you busy.
With the success of Ratchet and Clank, it looks like old-school platform games are back in full swing.