Home Games Pokémon Direct Announced For Friday
Pokémon Direct Announced For Friday

Pokémon Direct Announced For Friday


Nintendo revealed on Twitter that this Friday, February 26, at 3PM GMT there will be a Nintendo Direct entirely about Pokémon, in celebration of 20 years of the franchise.

The Pokemon Direct broadcast will contain “the latest on Pokémon games”. We can probably expect to see some Pokken Tournament Wii U footage and a mention of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow on 3DS Virtual Console. Maybe we might even see something new, is the time right for Pokémon Z? On the other hand given Nintendos push for amiibos maybe we’ll see some Pokémon amiibos or amiibo cards.

What are you hoping for from the direct? Would you be interested in some amiibo news? Let us know in the comments below!

via Nintendo.co.uk
