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Gallery: Cute Creature Claws

Bored of painting your nails just one plain colour? Why not try out some more daring designs inspired by some of your favourite characters? Some of these designs are pretty out there, especially the deco nails (the ones with the 3D decorations), but they’re great to look at and find inspiration in nonetheless. You can also […]

Cardcaptor Sakura Spandex is Here

If you love spandex and are not familiar with Living Dead Clothing, you are definitely missing out. They cater to all kinds of fandoms, including non-franchise specific fantasy and horror designs. This time, they’re catering to the young otaku in all of us with their latest Cardcaptor Sakura line. They’ve got everything from dresses, leggings, and skirts that have designs […]

Terribly Terrific Tattoos

Wearing t-shirts and buying merch is fine, but there’s no better way of showing your commitment to your fandoms than on your actual skin. Tattoos come in all shapes and sizes, and there’s definitely an artist out there to make your ink dreams come true! Laura Annunaki The creator of possibly the most squee-inducing tattoos […]

Top 5 Precious Plush Pals

Not quite ready to get out of bed yet? Quite understandable, it is Saturday morning after all! So snuggle up tightly to some of these fluffy friends and grab some extra Zs. Calcifer  Don’t let Calcifer get you hot headed (get it?) while preparing your breakfast. Instead, hug tight this plush version of possibly the world’s […]

Forgotten Childhood: South Park

Anyone who knows me now could probably tell you that I barely get out two sentences without saying something offensive or laden with expletives, but you probably wouldn’t guess that I didn’t discover the true majesty that is cursing until I was about 15 years old. In fact, my mother was (and still is, in […]

Steven Universe: On Queer Magic And Censorship

By now you may have heard of the Steven Universe petition currently circulating the Internet. Fans aren’t asking series creator Rebecca Sugar for more episodes, or specific story, they’re not asking for a movie or live-action series. No, a petition was posted on change.org asking Cartoon Network UK to end the ‘homophobic’ editing/censorship of the beloved cartoon. For the […]