Home Tag "Hulk"

Marvel’s Avengers Open Beta Available For All PS4 Users This Weekend. Pre-Order Beta Available For PC/Xbox One Pre-Orders Too

The first round beta for Marvel’s Avengers happened last week. It was available for pre-order purchases on PS4. This weekend, even more people can get their hands on the upcoming superhero title. All PS4 users and pre-order purchasers on PC/Xbox One, will be eligible for this weekends beta. In the beta, you will get a […]

11 Signs You Grew Up With Superheroes

You’ve tried moving objects with your mind. Just in case. You have thought extensively about what your costume would be. On that same subject, you personally own at least one cape. You’ve pretended to be Wolverine using stationary and other household items more than once. You’ve seen cities get blown up way too many times for […]

Totally Odd Dopes – Comicphiles

Yay! It’s 2017! That means we get to continue with all of our 2016 business but with a vague and fading sense of newness or novelty. Right up until we can distract ourselves with summer partying and trips to Galway. (Go to Galway, it’s fun.) After summer 2k17, we can fret about Halloween and then […]

New Superhero Franchise From Stan Lee

Nitron is the the new superhero franchise unveiled by Stan Lee.  Here at The Arcade we don’t go in for jokes about people retiring. The legendary non-retiree just unveiled a new superhero franchise that has a Secret Invasion vibe about it. It’s is focused on an advanced species living in secret on modern earth.  An interesting […]

Civil War II – Comics 101

You may be a little confused at that ‘II’ tacked onto the end of Civil War, but fear not, as the whole thing isn’t too complicated and it’s not yet finished so we here at The Arcade will get you up to speed! The story isn’t even half way through its run yet, so we’ll only be […]

Fictional Feelings: Mary’s Men

Valentine’s Day is edging closer and that means either spending an obscene amount of money on your significant other to make them happy, or spending an even more obscene amount of time lying around your room fantasising about fictional characters. To be fair, the latter is cheaper. And generally more satisfying. I, like other staff […]