Home Latest Mark Ruffalo On Dynamic With The Hulk In Thor: Ragnarok
Mark Ruffalo On Dynamic With The Hulk In Thor: Ragnarok

Mark Ruffalo On Dynamic With The Hulk In Thor: Ragnarok


It is well known by now that the next installment in the Thor franchise, starring Chris Hemsworth, will feature the Hulk in some capacity. It has also been revealed that it will feature elements of the Planet Hulk story line.  This run of the Hulk series deals with the results of sending the Hulk away to a different planet and his attempts to return to Earth to exact his revenge.

Talking to Collider, Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo mentioned that in Thor: Ragnarok, we will see Bruce Banner explore his relationship with the Hulk:

“He’s always been running from him (the Hulk) or trying to deny it but they are coming for a collision course with each other and I think that could be pretty exciting if we can figure out a way, how to do it multi-dimensionally. The only person in the world that the Hulk is scared of is Banner.”

Fitting this dynamic with the Planet Hulk story and Thor’s own plot line is an interesting choice and it will be interesting to see how they will pull it off. It’s also exciting news to have an advancement with Ruffalo‘s Hulk since he hasn’t had a stand alone film and has always had to share the main focus of attention. On the interactions between Banner and the Hulk, Ruffalo has hinted at their personalities potentially merging together.

Thor: Ragnarok will be directed by Takia Waititi and is coming to cinemas on October 27 2017.
