Home Tag "Buzz"

EwTube: Time To Feel Good

Ok so we are week three into 2016 and while I can’t speak for everyone I’ve failed at almost every resolution I set for this year but on the plus side that’s a new record for me personally! So that’s something to be positive about. I’m attempting to pick up the pieces and restart those promises […]

Gif Essay: When Good Shows Go Bad

We all have those shows we’ve been watching for what seems like forever. When people bad-mouth them, we rush in and put our feet squarely down on the idea. Thou shalt not diss! Unfortunately, the universe is a constantly changing place. Nothing is permanent; not even writers or quality, no matter how much we wish […]

What’s This Game About? Mom Edition

There is one thing my parents have never understood about my generation is our fascination with games and sitting for hours *cough* days playing them. In fairness to them my parents have partly funded and put up with my gaming nature (fan girling all over Kingdom Hearts television adverts included). It becomes tiring talking at […]

What's This Game About? Mom Edition

There is one thing my parents have never understood about my generation is our fascination with games and sitting for hours *cough* days playing them. In fairness to them my parents have partly funded and put up with my gaming nature (fan girling all over Kingdom Hearts television adverts included). It becomes tiring talking at […]

Gif Essay: I Hate That You Love It

We’ve all been there. Friend or partner is going on about a show or movie they really love. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. You’ve a few free hours,  a pizza coming, perhaps there’s even a few beers chilling in the fridge. Life is otherwise good. Unfortunately, the show or movie turns out to be […]