We’ve all been there. Friend or partner is going on about a show or movie they really love. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. You’ve a few free hours, a pizza coming, perhaps there’s even a few beers chilling in the fridge. Life is otherwise good.
Unfortunately, the show or movie turns out to be far removed from your personal tastes. Maybe you even hate it. You could even hate it so much that you purposefully knock back the remainder of that cooking sherry in the press, cause you know you’ll start vomiting and spend the next two hours in the bathroom bowing before the porcelain god and that happens to be better than having to watch another minute of this…
Okay, I speak from personal experience.
It all starts out so innocently. After all, I for one love coming across new stuff and our friends and other halves are usually a great source of this.
This is always the first stage. How are you to know the torment that awaits.
You generally know within about ten minutes whether this is going to be your thing. The most common response is a silent expression displaying your feelings. If you’re seen, you might expect this to be the point where the other person proclaims something along the lines of “It picks up after the first episode/twenty minutes”.
At a point in all this you stop and look around, and you wonder how in the hell anyone could think this was good. You would seriously be rather watching paint dry than sitting through this. Unfortunately, you’re friend enough to grit your teeth for the sake of their feelings.
It’s early yet but you’re already trying to feign interest. You find parts of your brain are actually beginning to shut down. The only thing bringing you back to awareness are the sudden, almost pop quiz type questions. “What do you think of that twist?”
Kill me now
You start looking for ways out of this. You’ve probably gotten up to the bathroom so many times to ‘pee’ that your friend or loved one might seriously be considering the notion that you’ve some bladder or kidney dysfunction.
“Let me pause it so you don’t miss anything!” How can they do this to you?
Silent Accusation
They told you this was the best thing ever. Why? Why the lies?
Very seriously wrong. So very seriously wrong.
I think it’s time we see other people.
No matter how much I hate you right now I’ll make it to the end of this. I’ll do it for us. For the memory of us.
Utter Delight
It’s finally over. You’ve probably lost your mind but you did it. You made it to the end.
You suggest watching something else but they’re having none of it and you find out there’s several sequels, or worse, seasons of this crap already being loaded up during your last bathroom trip.