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Geeky Goodies: Plush Comfort

We’re heading for a rough, cold and wet few weeks/months and while some of us (me, mostly me!) are looking forward to the freezing dark nights ahead the rest are dreading soggy clothes, biting winds and lack of sunshine. It got me thinking though about the things we use to comfort ourselves, get all snuggled […]

Movies: This Is Halloween!

The joyous time of sugar is upon us; where us adults can wander about dressed as pirates and monsters and illicit not even a sideways glance, all before stuffing ourselves with enough sweets to send an elephant into diabetic shock. It’s the beginning of Halloween, people! Now, I can hear you say to yourself, “But […]

Top 5 Most Anticipated Indie Games

As The Arcade’s resident indie guy, it struck me as odd that I’ve never made this list before, but better late then never I suppose. This list is about my top five indie games that I am looking forward to in the future, complete with fancy trailers for you to feast your eyes on. Now, as […]

EwTube: Chain Reactions

When I was trying to to think of what topic to pick for EwTube I was pretty stuck, nothing was coming to mind. So I did what I often do while stuck, procrastinated by watching music videos. One of the videos I watched gave me the idea to select three videos featuring chain reactions, or […]

Music Monday: Garfunkel And Oates

Riki Lindhome and Kate Miccuci are Garfunkel and Oates. Named after, as they describe, “two famous rock and roll second bananas” their comedy-concept-prog-folk songs have been mainstays on YouTube since 2007 and their live shows continue to sell out comedy venues in America. Their new album, Secretions, is a worthy follow-up to their previous two masterpieces […]