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Review: AFI – Burials

When a band starts their career with albums containing songs titled “Cereal Wars”, “Shatty Fatmas” and “I Wanna Get a Mohawk (But My Mom Won’t Let Me Get One)” and progresses to having song titles such as “Girl’s Not Grey”, “Days of the Phoenix”, “Kill Caustic” and “Carcinogen Crush”, you know the band’s undergone some […]

Review: Gravity

Y’know what, if there’s one good thing to come from the sheer barrage of remakes, adaptations and sequels coming from Hollywood these days, it’s that a film promising something a little new sticks out like a sore thumb. When a title appears from the great film-making beyond that has a very solid, big name cast, […]

Interview: NikkiNevermore

This week, I got the opportunity to chat to NikkiNevermore; model, cosplayer and performer! US based, Nikki made her name modelling for well-known alternative website, VampireFreaks! With a rake of cosplays under her belt, we chat to Nikki about her modelling, cosplaying and more!

Review: Source Control

Puzzles are my secret obsession, riddles, crosswords even wordsearches, ever since I was a kid I’ve had a weaknesses for cryptics and the harder the better. I’m not saying I’m some sort of genius who can see the logic and rationality of the enigma and find the answer, sometimes I never solved it but the […]

Why Pro Wrestling Is Awesome

"...this is not “Pointing Out Why Wrestling Doesn’t Suck,” or “Debunking Wrestling’s Detractors” this is “Why Pro Wrestling Is Awesome.” This is about the things that make it unique within the two worlds it straddles, sport and entertainment, and why those things ought to give you a hankering for some squared-circle action."