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Review: Minions

Since the Despicable Me film franchise began back in 2010, a certain pack of little yellow humanoids stole the show. Sure, the main character was played by Steve Carell, with a supporting cast featuring the likes of Kristen Wiig and Russell Brand, but the minions were the big take away. It is unsurprising then that two films and […]

Life in Japan: Sleep Is For The Weak

It feels childish to say that Tokyo is a different place by night. Cities, by their very nature, are constantly in flux; changing and bending to the whims and will of the people within them, and the change that befalls every city in the world as daylight dies is universally understood. That said, there’s something […]

Review: Mr. Holmes

  Stories can be a magical thing. As you get swept into the current of someone else’s imagination, you can be taken so far along the journey that you forget the effects of the everyday and the mundane. You can often forget that well past the final page of the book or the final scene […]

Press Start: E3 Extravaganza

First of all, let me say hello to everyone and welcome to my weekly column ‘Press Start’. Every Monday I am going to do my best to bring you something game-related for you to read in work on a Monday (let’s be honest, no one works on a Monday, we browse the internet). It will be […]