Home Comics Team Captain America – Style Saturday
Team Captain America – Style Saturday

Team Captain America – Style Saturday


The time is almost upon us! Yes, Captain America: Civil War is just around the corner and while some of us are going in cosplay (me, and if it’s just me, that’s just fine!), others may not have any costumes to wear for the screenings! Or maybe you can’t get your full Iron Man suit into the cinema screen, but that’s why I’m here! To help you guys and gals dress like your favourite superheroes for when you’re about to step into that cinema screen. Now, personally I am Team Cap (opinions expressed in this article do not represent the opinion of The Arcade as a whole, but Cap is definitely the correct option), so for this week we’re going to look at Captain America. Stay tuned for a later article which will cover Iron Man! So without any more stalling, let’s have a look at how you can represent your favourite superhero for Civil War!


So for the first option here I’ve gone quite… well, almost literal with the American flag on the shirt. Come on, if you wanna be Captain America, then you’ve got to sport an American flag somewhere, right? Of course you do, so even if you don’t find the one that we’ve got listed here, you can definitely get yourself something similar on Amazon or even Etsy! Just have a look around!

The colours for Captain America are fairly simple really; blue, white and red, just like the American flag. Our boy Steve is very patriotic, therefore anything resembling the American flag will get you noticed as paying homage to him right away! We’ve already discussed the shirt, so you can do variants of that, short sleeves, no sleeves, whatever feels most comfortable to you. You’re gonna want to get some blue jeans, nice and light so they match our nice little theme going on. They can be shorts, skinny, straight cut, or even a blue skirt, whatever you want! The shoes, you could wear sneakers or anything like that, but for this I’ve gone with something comfortable in a nice boot, combat or otherwise, because after all, Steve is a soldier, right? The accessories are a nice way to show off Cap as well! Get yourself a bracelet or a necklace with Steve’s shield, wear that proudly! As for this bag, oh my god, I want this bag so much!!

Shirt €7.62, Jeans €31, Boots €36, Bag €19, Bracelet €13, Necklace €27


Second option is definitely a little more casual than the first! Once again, I’ve gone with wearing the shield proudly on your chest! It’s a sure-fire way of letting people know which team you’re on for Civil War (which would be the right team).

Once again, blue jeans or any sort of denim wash jean will work really great with the shirt you’ve chosen! You’re keeping to Cap’s colours after all! Sneakers are nice for this look, you can get high tops or cut offs, you could even get a nice pair of sneakers from Etsy with Cap’s shield on the side, believe me they’re out there and they’re amazing! As for the wallet… well, that’s just a little accessory that’s fun to have and this one even comes with a little shield stress ball. Finish it all off with a nice shield belt buckle and hey presto, you’re definitely showing off your allegiances now!

Shirt €13, Jeans €22, Belt €10, Sneakers €38, Wallet €25

Now, the most important question: Are you #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan?
