Home Buzz Awe Me Take On Loki's Scepter From The Avengers
Awe Me Take On Loki's Scepter From The Avengers

Awe Me Take On Loki's Scepter From The Avengers


The folks at Marvel released a movie recently.  You probably heard.  In fact the likelihood of you not hearing is remote.  In fact the likelihood of you not hearing that Marvel’s Avengers: Age Age of Ultron happened is equaled only by the likelihood of Awe Me making something fitting for the occasion…
Right on time the Stagmer Bros (and friends) of Baltimore Knife and Sword made Chitauri Scepter, that is, Loki’s Staff from the first Avengers film.

The much loved and all at once hated antagonist of Thor captured audiences on every continent and the iconic  Chitauri was wedded to Tom Hiddleston’s hand far all of Avengers.
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