Home Tag "Star Wars"

Thandie Newton Joins Han Solo Movie

Every week, we have been getting more and more information on the new Han Solo stand-alone film. This week, Lucasfilms announced that Thandie Newton has been cast in an undisclosed role. Newton is best known for her role in the hugely popular HBO series Westworld. According to an article by Variety, she has entered talks to join the production. […]

Rosario Dawson Eager To Play A Live-Action Ahsoka Tano

Rosario Dawson has recently expressed her interest in playing Star Wars’ Ahoska Tano. She is perhaps best known for playing the fearless Claire Temple in Netflix original series Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.  When responding to a tweet suggesting Dawson play the role in a live-action Star Wars adaption, she responded eagerly: Ummmm… yes please?! #AhsokaLives #AhsokaTano #StarWars https://t.co/jYposLVGIY — Rosario Dawson […]

Star Wars The Greek Tragedy In Marble

Star Wars is basically a modern day Greek Tragedy! I don’t think the Ancient Greeks would have included Jar-Jar Binks though! Unless it was to sacrifice him! Travis Durden, a Parisian artist, has taken this idea of Star Wars and the Ancient Greeks to a different level. The artist has combined modern pop culture with […]

Who Is Your Favourite Star Wars Leading Lady?

Rogue One has just hit cinemas (check out our official review here) and we’re feeling very nostalgic about the Star Wars movie universe. The franchise has some fantastic female leads, from the animated series to the movies to the books, and we’ve decided to see who tops the most-loved list! Who will you choose? Brave Leia, ruthless […]

Rogue One – A Star Wars Gallery

Rogue One, the highly anticipated prequel to all of the Star Wars movies, is set for release in Ireland on December 15. Needless to say, we at The Arcade are very giddy at the prospect of seeing another movie set in the beloved world of Star Wars so soon after The Force Awakens. We’ve put together […]

Elhoffer Design – Must Have It

When it comes to clothing, well I’ve gotta say that my eye is usually drawn to geeky themed items but I’ve found that at times the clothing is usually limited to t-shirts or dresses with one print slammed on the front. Whereas Elhoffer Design has come out on the scene and has proven that geeky […]