Home Tag "Food"

Geek N’ Bake: Pumpkin King Cookies

This is my favourite time of year! Sure you get chocolate and huge roast dinners at Easter, chocolate and presents at Christmas but this time of year you get chocolate and the chance to cover yourself in blood and be accepted! I of course mean… fake… blood! Moving swiftly on! Halloween is upon us and […]

First My Little Pony Café Opens In Tokyo

The first My Little Pony themed café has opened in Toyko. Themed cafés are hardly a rarity but this colourful and glittery bistro features a My Little Pony themed menu with lavish decorations and merchandise from the iconic franchise. While the cast of characters from the 2010 revamp series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will […]

Geek N’ Bake: Japanese Curry

Curry is one of the most popular dishes in Japan (hopefully Andy can vouch for that!), whether it’s the instant curry pots, vacuum sealed packs or traditional home-made sauce. Any good Otaku will know that the dish features across Anime and Manga from all genres. Fighting intergalactic space robots? Curry will help! Cursed by an […]

Life In Japan: Eat Cheap!

Japan is not, contrary to what you may have heard, a particularly expensive country. Sure, it’s got its high-end areas and an obsession with brand names that both rivals and completely outdoes anything America’s most self-absorbed millennials could offer, but generally speaking, the cost of living in Japan, even in places like Tokyo, is pretty […]