Home Tag "Event"

Monsterpalooza 2016

Monsterpalooza, the world-renowned event for fans of film, makeup, special effects, but most importantly, monsters, is back for yet another year. The-Arcade is excited to be sending a correspondent to document this year’s event. Monsterpalooza has been around since 2009, allowing fans to meet award winning masterminds behind some of the greatest creatures ever created for feature […]

Batman V Superman: Panel Of Justice

As part of the promotion for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Warner Bros. and Forbidden Planet Dublin held a special event to discuss the cinematic histories of the titular icons. Titled ‘Panel of Justice’, the panel was an hour and a half long discussion held in Filmbase in Dublin. Podcasts The Irish Pubcast (featuring […]

European Celebii Event Commences

Irish PokeFans know how hard it is to get these illusive mythical event Pokemon. So when Nintendo decide to distribute them fairly via Nintendo Network, we all breathe a collective sigh of relief. This month’s mythical distribution is Celebii. The time-travel Pokemon Celebii was released in the second generation being #251 in the National dex. As protector […]

Walker Stalker Con London Review

1313Walker Stalker Con, the US-based convention event inspired by comic and TV series, The Walking Dead shuffled its way to the UK. Walker Stalker Con London took place in the Olympia London and I dragged my carcass over the pond for it last weekend. The guest list for the weekend was peppered with some of the biggest names from the […]


What’s ‘Player Select’ about it? Well each month we’re giving our readers the chance to promote their favourite artists, writers, comics, kickstarters, indie developers, shops, cosplayers, conventions and more! If you want the world to know how awesome your stuff is then you need to tell us and we’ll tell the world.