Home Tag "Black Widow"

Marvel’s Avengers Open Beta Available For All PS4 Users This Weekend. Pre-Order Beta Available For PC/Xbox One Pre-Orders Too

The first round beta for Marvel’s Avengers happened last week. It was available for pre-order purchases on PS4. This weekend, even more people can get their hands on the upcoming superhero title. All PS4 users and pre-order purchasers on PC/Xbox One, will be eligible for this weekends beta. In the beta, you will get a […]

First Black Widow Trailer Released

Black Widow will the first post-Endgame film release and kicks off Phase 4 of Marvel’s future MCU. This will be a prequel set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, as Natasha Romanoff is isolated from her fellow Avengers and goes out to discover secrets of her past. Black Widow was always a more grounded […]

Elhoffer Design – Must Have It

When it comes to clothing, well I’ve gotta say that my eye is usually drawn to geeky themed items but I’ve found that at times the clothing is usually limited to t-shirts or dresses with one print slammed on the front. Whereas Elhoffer Design has come out on the scene and has proven that geeky […]

Scarlet Johansson Considers Plot Ideas For Black Widow Movie

Since Kevin Faige, president of Marvel Studios, revealed his commitment to creating a Black Widow movie, fans have heard little or no news on its development. Directors such as Joe and Anthony Russo (responsible for Captain America:Civil War) have revealed their interest in directing. While fellow Avengers actors have also question the lack of a solo Black Widow film. However, Black […]

Character Performing – Cosplay Closet

For most, cosplay starts out as a simple hobby, something fun to bring to conventions and to wear with friends, possibly even to do some photoshoots just to show off the costume in the best way possible! For some, cosplay can progress into a professional way of life, you just have to look at cosplayers […]