Home Reviews


Review: Gravity

Y’know what, if there’s one good thing to come from the sheer barrage of remakes, adaptations and sequels coming from Hollywood these days, it’s that a film promising something a little new sticks out like a sore thumb. When a title appears from the great film-making beyond that has a very solid, big name cast, […]

Review: Source Control

Puzzles are my secret obsession, riddles, crosswords even wordsearches, ever since I was a kid I’ve had a weaknesses for cryptics and the harder the better. I’m not saying I’m some sort of genius who can see the logic and rationality of the enigma and find the answer, sometimes I never solved it but the […]

Battlefield 4 Review

Battlefield this generation has been an ever-morphing franchise, Battlefield 4 is the final title for this generation’s console lineup, the million dollar question is: will Battlefield 4  go out with a bang or a whimper? The answer is simple. Battlefield 4 does not go out on a bang, it goes out with the most gloriously […]