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Most Romantic Couples Peter & Mj

It’s Valentine’s week and while for most of you that means romance and hot dates with chilli-cheese fries or whatever you’re into, here at The Arcade, to mark the upcoming occasion, we’ve decided to take a look at some of our favourite fictional couples out and around the world and try to explain just why […]

Arcadio Episode III: Roleplaying Games

Anthony, Naomi, Ryan and I spent all of last weekend locked in a room with nothing but character sheets, dice and pencils… the result? An epic three day adventure that took us from the ruins of a city under siege to a forgotten monastic settlement deep within a frozen Tundra and mountain range. Episode III […]

At a Glance: Paper Sorcerer

  Welcome to “At a Glance”, where first impressions of a title mean everything! Ladies, gentlemen and trapped Sorcerers, I present to you; Paper Sorcerer.  If you have not realized by now, I am a big RPG player. ARPG, JRPG, MMORPG, turned based, tactics or creature collecting, I am a big fan of the genre […]

The Punisher #1: Review.

Writer: Nathan Edmondson.  Artist: Mitch Gerads.  Lettering: VC’s Cory Petit.  Young Variant Covers: Larroca & Martin; Samnee & Wilson. Cover: Mitch Gerads. Publisher: Marvel Comics. How do you raise the L.A murder rate while lowering the crime rate?You move The Punisher out west. Frank Castle has set up shop in Los Angeles, Great news for the […]

Most Romantic Couple: Dwight & Angela

Contrary to what our significant others would have you believe, we’re a romantic bunch here at The Arcade. With Valentines Day rapidly approaching, every day in the run up we’ll be taking a look at some of our favourite fictional couplings and what makes them so perfect for each other. To get the ball rolling, […]

Most Romantic Couple: Dwight & Angela

Contrary to what our significant others would have you believe, we’re a romantic bunch here at The Arcade. With Valentines Day rapidly approaching, every day in the run up we’ll be taking a look at some of our favourite fictional couplings and what makes them so perfect for each other. To get the ball rolling, […]