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YouTuber of the Week: Epic MealTime

Craving pizza topped with deep fried chicken nuggets and chips? How about Fast Food Lasagne? Does a six patty burger in a mound of bacon have your mouth watering? Basically Epic Meal Time is hard-core food porn. All of our inner fat kid’s wildest dreams come true through the disgustingly delicious monstrous creations they come […]

The Arcade's Most Romantic Couples

All week here at The Arcade we’ve been preparing for Valentines Day by telling you about or favourite fictional couples and what makes them so perfectly matched. We’ve touched on TV, comic books, novels, anime and film and believe me, it took a long time to narrow the list down. We’re a bunch of old sappy […]

The Arcade’s Most Romantic Couples

All week here at The Arcade we’ve been preparing for Valentines Day by telling you about or favourite fictional couples and what makes them so perfectly matched. We’ve touched on TV, comic books, novels, anime and film and believe me, it took a long time to narrow the list down. We’re a bunch of old sappy […]

High Score: Heavy Rain

We’ve written a little about Quantic Dream before here on The Arcade. As studios go, they’re somewhat of a maverick. Headed by the infamously ambitious David Cage, they’ve spent the better part of the last eight years pushing the boundaries of video game storytelling, mostly, for better or worse, by taking cues from the world […]

Most Romantic Couples Peter & Mj

It’s Valentine’s week and while for most of you that means romance and hot dates with chilli-cheese fries or whatever you’re into, here at The Arcade, to mark the upcoming occasion, we’ve decided to take a look at some of our favourite fictional couples out and around the world and try to explain just why […]