Home Buzz YouTuber of the Week: Epic MealTime
YouTuber of the Week: Epic MealTime

YouTuber of the Week: Epic MealTime



Craving pizza topped with deep fried chicken nuggets and chips? How about Fast Food Lasagne? Does a six patty burger in a mound of bacon have your mouth watering?

Basically Epic Meal Time is hard-core food porn. All of our inner fat kid’s wildest dreams come true through the disgustingly delicious monstrous creations they come up with.

Starting in October 2010, Harley Morenstein  a then 25 year old substitute teacher ( guys, if you watch his videos you would hardly believe he used to teach children) and a group of his friends created this show for the extreme chef in all of us. His crew  ( none of which have had any culinary education) brings his artery clogging, heart stopping, food coma inducing visions to life. The first episode of Epic Meal Time titled ” The Worst Pizza Ever” involved a fast food pizza containing popcorn chicken, a taco bell taco, a Big Mac and Chicken McNuggets and copious amounts of chips, and onion rings all on a  cheese pizza. The entire meal was over 5,210 calories and 286 g of fat!!

They’re cooking big piles of meat, making such comically over-the-top meals as the barbecue Colosseum constructed out of ribs, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and macaroni and cheese, or a Christmas tree decorated with garland strands of chicken nuggets and 2,000 strips of bacon. Suffice to say that these guys aren’t vegetarians.

But “Epic Meal Time” has won some surprising fans who appreciate its satire of the over-serious TV cooking show. Healthy-eating advocate Jamie Oliver even wrote the forward for the Web show’s forthcoming cookbook.

The worst part about watching their videos is how appetizing the stuff will probably look to you. I feel like I’m supposed to find ‘Fast Food Lasagne disgusting, but I truly wouldn’t mind a slice

