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Darling Devils: Back Issues

Everyone loves good comic villains, but they aren’t a ‘one size fits all’ kind of deal. There is such a huge spectrum of villainous types of characters that there’s a mad meanie for everyone’s taste, from a totally evil bad guy with no chance of redemption to an anti-hero doing a good deed for his […]

Stephen Lang Wants Deadpool’s Cable

It hasn’t even been a week since release but fans are already talking about the sequel to Deadpool. To be fair though we aren’t the only ones and even Deadpool’s creator Rob Liefield, is offering his thoughts on casting choices for Deadpool II. If you’ve seen the film and you stayed right until the very end or […]

Ryan Reynolds Thanks Deadpool Fans

Ryan Reynolds, the lead for Deadpool, has taken to his Facebook account to reach out to fans and thank them for their support. The actor who has fervently pushed for a movie that would stay to true to the character and comics posted that “the ‪#‎Deadpool‬ fans who took us from leaked test footage all the […]

Fictional Feelings: Dave’s Dalliances

I’m a happily married man. I’m also a human being with emotions and urges. Though instead of cute co-workers or glamorous movie stars, the only competition my wife faces are fictional characters some person made up. I’ve told her this on several occasions and, as someone who fancies Legolas way more than Orlando Bloom, she […]

Betty White Reviews Deadpool

Betty White has taken some time out of her hectic schedule being an international treasure and kick ass lady to give her own personal take on  Deadpool. White pulls no punches as she takes on the movie’s lead Ryan Reynolds while taking some very enjoyable bites out of the film and it’s audience. The Golden Girls […]