Home Fernanda Machado

Fernanda Machado

LEGO-Safe Slippers Are Now a Thing

Finally, the one thing you’ve always needed in your life has been invented! Unfortunately, like many great things, it is quite limited in quantity. I am of course talking about the specially developed LEGO-proof slippers, made so you can walk around without the mortifying fear of stepping on a sly little brick and experiencing some […]

Cosplay Closet: Light and Shadow

The one rule of cosplay is: there are no rules! And it’s super important to remember it, too. Not everyone cosplays for the same reasons and it’s something we must respect. While some do it for the craftsmanship, others do it to have fun with their friends, and others do it to try to bring […]

Style Saturday: Creepy Crawlies

All Hallow’s Eve is on us and now is the time to get your scariest face on and scare the youngsters roaming about. Some people have prepared all year, while others are having to come up with a last minute costume solution. Either case, just a bit of face paint can go a long way. Today […]

Gallery: Celebrities In Awesome Geeky Halloween Costumes

Halloween is getting closer, and although we all know dressing up as your favourite characters isn’t something just reserved for the holiday, it is still a mighty good reason to. No one escapes the costuming bug nowadays, and even celebrities are doing it in style. Instead of going for traditional Halloween costumes, like monsters and […]

Style Saturday: Becoming A Tomb Raider

We’ve been on the Rise of the Tomb Raider hype since Laura got to play it at EGX and this Saturday we decided to pay homage to one of video game’s most iconic lead woman, Lara Croft. No matter if you’ve never played a minute of video games your whole life, or if you were […]

Gallery: Fantastical Furry Critters

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and wished you lived in their fantastical worlds filled with magical creatures? I would say “Well now you can!” but that’s not exactly the case. You can, however, own one of these beautiful creations by Lee Cross, also known as Wood-Splitter Lee. They are handmade poseable plush […]

Style Saturday: We Are the Crystal Gems

If you haven’t yet been captivated by the colourful world of Steven Universe, you don’t know what you’re missing. What may seem like just another cartoon created for kids to pass the time, is actually a moral lesson-filled roller-coaster of feelings. It explores things like the importance and difficulties of relationships (including same sex relationships), […]

VR Technology Is Changing The Way We Draw

An inspiring (to say the least) video from Future of Storytelling is showing how new technology can challenge the way art is created. Thanks to virtual reality, the barrier of the piece of paper is broken, and people are given a chance to step into their own drawings. And who did the people over at […]

Free Animation Classes From Pixar Available

Khan Academy has teamed up with Pixar to create ‘Pixar In A Box’, a free online course based on Pixar’s animation methods. The course will have videos, texts, exercises, and tips from Pixar’s animators, that revolve around 3D animation mechanics. If you don’t know Khan Academy, it is “a non-profit educational organisation created in 2006 […]

Video: John Barrowman Rocks A TARDIS Dress At Dragon Con

Sure this isn’t exactly breaking news, but it is breaking the hearts of everyone who wasn’t able to attend Dragon Con this weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. John Barrowman made more than just a memorable entrance at a panel, he made everyone absolutely lose their minds as he rocked an adorable TARDIS dress and heels, putting […]