Home Cosplay Style Saturday: Becoming A Tomb Raider
Style Saturday: Becoming A Tomb Raider

Style Saturday: Becoming A Tomb Raider


We’ve been on the Rise of the Tomb Raider hype since Laura got to play it at EGX and this Saturday we decided to pay homage to one of video game’s most iconic lead woman, Lara Croft. No matter if you’ve never played a minute of video games your whole life, or if you were practically born with a controller in hand, you definitely know this leading lady. Her look is so simple, but instantly identifiable. It has changed a bit through the years, but there are always key elements you should pay attention to.

Modern Lara

With the advances in technology and computer graphics, Lara’s overall cleanliness has deteriorated significantly. Before, she was easily identifiable by her blue top and leg holsters. Now, the dirt has become somewhat of a trademark to her look.

If you’re thinking of cosplaying her, but don’t know how to go about getting dirty for the part, just follow these tips for realistic looking and long lasting dirt:


Old School Lara

Even though the Tomb Raider reboot is all shiny and pretty, let’s not forget our roots, shall we? The “squareness” of Lara’s features were once an intrinsic part of her.


For this look, even though it’s a throughback to the old games, I was actually inspired by the new mobile game Lara Croft Go, where they’ve opted for the polygonal old school computer graphics as opposed to her modern look.

For the skin, I used many different cream concealers and a black grease paint to darken the shadows. Water activated face paint was used for the shirt and holster. A brand of facepaint that’s super accessible and that I tend to recommend, even over some high end brands, is Snazaroo. The pigmentation is actually brilliant, and it’s super budget-friendly.

This look is a fun idea for a different take on her costume, but can be very time consuming, so be prepared to face a few hours in front of the mirror!
