Home Anime/Cartoons VR Technology Is Changing The Way We Draw
VR Technology Is Changing The Way We Draw

VR Technology Is Changing The Way We Draw


An inspiring (to say the least) video from Future of Storytelling is showing how new technology can challenge the way art is created. Thanks to virtual reality, the barrier of the piece of paper is broken, and people are given a chance to step into their own drawings.

And who did the people over at FoST give this brilliant opportunity to? Glen Keane, an animator with over four decades of experience at Disney. He has worked on titles like The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, Beauty and the Beast, Alladin, to name a few.

Watch the video below to experience an artist being able to interact with his creations like never before:

Glen Keane – Step into the Page from Future Of StoryTelling on Vimeo has said:

“The Future of StoryTelling is an invitation-only, two-day gathering of technology, media, and communications visionaries from around the world. The summit is designed to put participants in direct contact with the most vital ideas, people, and technologies that are shaping the way we tell stories.”
