Like most people, I’ve always been a fan of Futurama. Sure, it’s had its low points but on the whole it’s always been funny and clever and at times genuinely heartfelt and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone on earth who didn’t recognise the show or one of their iconic lines.
In fact, sometimes they even sum up a situation better than you could yourself.
In that spirit, I’m going to prove to you in this gif essay that you can literally spend your entire life communicating through a variety of Futurama gifs, and be perfectly happy. We present to you, A Gif for every occasion:
Valentines has just passed, and you may be wondering how the heck the people around you put up with everything:
Or maybe you’re looking for the perfect compliment to give to that special someone:
Either way, as long as you’re trying:
We all have those days when something that happens just rubs you the wrong way:
And maybe what happens is your friend does or says something to just make you lose all faith in them:
But then they just won’t shut up about it:
Ha! That’ll show them, go ahead and celebrate your sick burn:
If someone you know just got a new pet and they really want to show it off, you might want to remind them they look like this:
You’ve stayed up late, and need a few extra 15 cups of coffee to get through your day:
Or maybe you just feel like dancing today, it’d burn off the caffeine!
Then after a long day, you can just come home and relax. Throw away your burdens:
And if none of the above gifs are working and you really want to convince your readers to share and comment on this article: