Home Tag "Funny"

If Miyazaki Films Were Like Other Anime

Ever caught yourself wondering what Studio Ghibli movies would like if they were stereotypical Anime shows? Yeah me neither! However the team over at CollegeHumour obviously did and they’ve taken some of Miyazaki’s masterpieces and transported them to other Anime Universes. Funnily enough I’d actually like to see a Spirited Away in a magical scenario! Someone […]

Luigi Board?! – Viral Video

From the brilliant mind that brought us “how is prangent formed“, a video that was being heavily shared on Facebook these past few weeks, where the author of the video simply read out loud questions posed on the internet, here’s another glimpse into the wonderful world of Yahoo! Answers with J.T. Sexkik. This time, the […]

Lowcarbcomedy Reveal Serial Killer High School

High School more commonly known as Secondary School to us; is a complete and total nightmare. Thankfully even our nightmares have trouble navigating the hallways and journey of adolesence. Comedy group Lowcarbcomedy prove it’s tough even for the worst of us with their for video for Common Shiner’s ‘Social Mediasochist’. Freddy, Jason, Michael, Leatherface and […]

Gif Essay: It’s A Catastrophe

It seems cats have become quite popular in terms of modern day pets. They’re fairly independent critters who’ll happily lounge about on their own and they generally don’t need to be walked the way you would a dog. However, if you look after one you’ll also generally know that for all the fuzzy companionship cats […]

Gif Essay: I Feel Old At 22

No matter how much we try to run from it, age catches up to all of us. Some of us accept it gracefully, while others will inject everything from coconut oil to snail slime directly into our veins in order to stave it off. My method up until recently has been to ignore the ticking […]

Gallery: Sarah’s Scribbles

This week on gallery, we’re showing off much beloved web comic, Sarah’s Scribbles. For the past month or so, this web comic has basically been my guide for life. Not only do Sarah’s Scribbles relate in a personal way to the every day lives of it’s readers, it does so in a way that is […]

A Gif For Every Occasion: Gif Essay

Like most people, I’ve always been a fan of Futurama. Sure, it’s had its low points but on the whole it’s always been funny and clever and at times genuinely heartfelt and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone on earth who didn’t recognise the show or one of their iconic lines. In fact, sometimes they even […]