Get ahead of your friends and dominate the battlefield with this in-depth guide on the do’s and don’ts of Battlefield! I’ll keep these short and sweet, now get out there soldier!
Use Abilities!
Each class is a class for a reason! Other than specific guns, classes have such vital items like Ammo packs, Med kits, Defibrillators, Motors, C4, UAV Drones and more! Everyone has at least one of these, all of them are extremely effective! It’s easy to get caught up in a firefight, it’s even easier to win a firefight if you take a second to drop down some ammo for your squad! YOU EVEN GET POINTS FOR IT!
Be a hermit!
Battlefield is all about teamwork, you don’t have to talk to your squad, just stick together! Divide and Conquer!
Use vehicles!
You know what really scares someone with a machine gun, a tank. If you see an empty tank or armored car take it! Even if you suck with it, in the tight streets of Siege of Shanghai, it’s hard to miss, even if you do it’ll cause great suppression, making them think twice about charging.
Use Helicopters as your personal chauffeur!
Helicopters mean one thing. Death. If you use a chopper you land on a faraway roof, just to snipe. You are a bad person. If and ONLY if you are great shot, you can do this, just once you immediately blow it up allowing it to respawn so REAL players can use it.
Know where you are!
It happens to the best of us. We find a great spot, only to release it’s right behind an enemy spawn point. Cut to being knifed in the back and intense T-Bagging. You earned it. Noob.
Blow the Hell out of everything!
The house you just devastated with rockets may be the house you have to hold up in later!
Blow the Hell out of everything!
That same house may ALSO be the enemy’s last stand, in which case you’re a hero!
Be a hero
It’s nice to revive people, more than nice, awesome! But it’s not awesome if you run into no-man’s land to revive someone two seconds away from respawning, only for both of you to get rolled over by a tank!