Home Buzz Fund it – MIDASpaces / Codes
Fund it – MIDASpaces / Codes

Fund it – MIDASpaces / Codes


Some friends of the Arcade need your support and we think a lot of you might be interested in this, so check it out:


“For our first prototype piece MIDAS #1 (check out the footage in our Fund it promo) we created an interactive and projection mapped space in which we explored the range of possibilities for performers. For those unfamiliar with projection mapping, the technique involves projecting animation or video to a 3-D object and adjusting the image to follow the shape of the target without spilling over to the surrounding space – turning a traditionally flat projection piece into an animated light sculpture. Working with dancer and choreographer Tom O’Donnell, we tracked and generated visuals according to movement, thus influencing choreographic decision as well as allowing for new innovative improvisations in each dance performance. 

We are now looking to go beyond our initial prototype for a new unique, experimental and visceral visual performance piece entitled CODES as part of the ABSOLUT Fringe 2012. Working with the MIDASpaces team are choreographers Tom O’Donnell (as seen in the FUNDIT promo) and Emma O’Kane as well as dancers Roisin A. Laffan and Alina Ortenburger. Working collaboratively, CODES will challenge how far we can take digital augmentation within a dance and live music performance.

Combining light projection, interactive audio and visual design CODES is a groundbreaking performance to be presented this coming autumn but we need your support! Aside from the typical costs of creating a show, we require high powered projectors. various other pieces of technology (some bought, some made, some hacked together by our team), for rehearsals, to feed our wonderful dancers and to make the show happen!”

For more information on MIDASpaces click below:


To help the project reach it’s goal and show your support, please give whatever you can by clicking here! 
