Home Buzz The Good Place Gets Forking Great Chrome Theme
The Good Place Gets Forking Great Chrome Theme

The Good Place Gets Forking Great Chrome Theme


The Good Place is definitely one of the best TV shows to grace our screens recently. It’s a bold statement but it’s also true.

Season three of The Good Place will begin shortly (September 27th in the US, which means September 28th for us on Netflix) and NBC has decided to promote the show in a very interesting way, with its own Google Chrome theme. And holy shirtballs, that theme is the real Good Place.

It does interesting things, like adding Janet to Google (and adding an “Ask Janet” to YouTube and Google’s search bars), oepening a new tab will show you a character with quotes from the show (such as “I know everything that happened in your life and it was all stupid.”) with temperature from different places (the Good Place, the Bad Place or the characters appearing in the tab).

It also replaces the upvote and downvote buttons on YouTube with Good Place and Bad Place buttons, and reminds you to take breaks from the computer. But it’s not all, I’ve left the best for last.

It changes all swearwords to their Good Place replacements. This theme is the real Good Place. But, the temperature appears in Fahrenheit… WHAT IF THIS THEME IS THE BAD PLACE?!
