Home Tag "TV"

Nerd Hero – Taika Waititi

For the past few weeks, I’ve been binge watching Netflix. Having watched What We Do in the Shadows (a film for all occasions) I finally got around to Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Since then, I’ve become increasingly obsessed with New Zealand filmmaker Taika Waititi.  Born in the North Island to Maoi and Russian-Jewish parents, Waititi […]

Westworld Season 2 Gets Trailer

I don’t care about the Super Bowl, at least when it comes to the sports part. I care about the trailers. Practically everyone keeps throwing money at the screen to show trailers or commercials during the breaks. And usually they’re quite big.But this is the one that caught my eye for real. After two years […]

You Should Watch… IZombie

IZombie is a pretty fun take on both horror and crime fiction as a genre (I’ve mentioned my love of it before and I feel it’s severely underrated). The show focuses on Olivia ‘Liv’ Moore, as the titular zombie. Formerly a high-achieving medical student, Liv ((Rose McIver) works in a police morgue after her infection. […]