Home Tag "Id Software"

Is RAGE 2 Incoming?

There are sure to be a few rumours and stories floating about in the coming weeks, as E3 is fast approaching. All the big name game companies are sure to have big announcements, some of which will be leaked or spoiled by the power of the internet. Some news may be inbound from id Software […]

God Hand Meets DOOM in Fan Mod

Two concepts I wouldn’t have put together? A beat em’ up and a first-person shooter. But someone with a lot of spare time and passion for cramming the genres together has put out a basic fan mod that combines idSoftware’s DOOM 2 with Clover Studio’s cult-classic beat em’ up God Hand. It doesn’t have the […]

Weekly Recap 15/06/2014

Well it came and went folks, E3 2014 has pretty much come to a close now, and we have been hard at work getting all the announcements covered here on the site. We have all the press conference round ups already up on the site, and today I am here to cover anything we missed […]