Home Tag "Gallery"

Gallery: Star Wars Cats

Griz & Norm Lemay are an amazing couple who are feature animation artists at Walt Disney Animation Studio. Griz (Griselda) is a visual development artist & character designer. Norm (Normand) is a storyboard artist. To our delight, they quite enjoy drawing cats during their spare time. They’re also big Star Wars fans. So naturally, they […]

Gallery: Sailor Heroines

We have artist Drachea Rannak to thank for taking these two iconic pieces of animation history and combining them to create magic. Rannak takes the Sailor Scouts from the anime side and Disney princesses/heroines from the western animation world to create the sailor princesses and heroines. Rannak gives them not only their own Sailor persona […]

Irish Creator Makes Awesome Star Wars Silhouette Art

Irish creator and photographer James Wynne has created a number of silhouette pieces in the wake of The Force Awakens which releases tomorrow. James‘ 3 piece collection incorporates his signature art style of silhouette art chronicling the series from episode IV – A New Hope to episode VI – Return Of The Jedi.  If you find yourself loving his style, James also […]

Gallery: Fallout Disney Princesses

War… War never changes. Except if you’re an artist, then war can become whatever you want it to be! Artist Peter Slavik decided, in the run-up to Fallout 4, that he’d have a crack at seeing what our beloved Disney princesses would look like in the savagery of the wasteland. As it turns, they look […]

Gallery: Fallout 4 Art Attack

In case you hadn’t heard Fallout 4 is dropping this week and the world and its video game loving grandmother have gone and gotten themselves totally over excited! As one of, if not the most, highly anticipated releases of 2015, the Bethesda title has already begun to win acclaim from video game critics and journalists around the […]

Gallery: Chrix Design

I’m a big fan of cosplay. Despite never having done a good cosplay myself I enjoy the medium and other than just admiring it at conventions there are a few cosplayers who I’d follow online. One of which being Christina from Norway, also known as Chrix Design. She has many cosplays which can be seen […]