Home Tag "Final Fantasy XV"

Whachu Doin’ This Week Julie?

What am I doing this week? I’d like to say it was something more exciting than juggling work and TV but…then I’m not that exciting, am I? Watching So of course, Game of Thrones is at the top of my list this week. Since the first episode of the new season came up last week, […]

E3 2017 – Sony Press Conference

The Sony Press Conference was similar to last year’s, in which the show was mostly game after game video and was had some small dialogue interactions by Sony Executive, Shawn Layden. Although a brief show, at just over 60 minutes, the show was packed with gameplay videos and game announcements. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy The […]

Final Fantasy XV Review

I’ll be the first to admit I was a bit skeptical of Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix’s latest entry into the Final Fantasy series. Based on the trailers I had seen, I had taken the popular assumption that this was a Final Fantasy made for the Entourage crowd. An epic ‘bro-venture’ where 4 guys in tight leather party it […]

Final Fantasy XV Is Delayed Until November

With the original release slated for September 30th, it has been announced today, that Final Fantasy XV Is delayed until November 29th. In a video message posted by Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata, he explains that the master version of the game (the game that would be sent for retail use) has been completed and that […]