Home Tag "Comics"

Pull List – February 2018 Week 1

Welcome to this week’s edition of Pull List. In it, I’ll be talking about the stuff I’ve been getting at my local comic store for the past few weeks! When it comes to my local comic book store (Sub City in Galway, if anyone wonders), I don’t really have a pull list in the sense […]

EwTube – Lindsay Ellis AKA The Nostalgia Chick

As a teenager, I couldn’t get enough of Channel Awesome’s content. I especially enjoyed the Nostalgia Critic, and I eventually started watching his female counterpart, Lindsay Ellis, aka The Nostalgia Chick. Funnily enough, I remembering really disliking Ellis’ videos on Channel Awesome, feeling that she wasn’t following the ‘format.’ In hindsight, I realised that this […]

Preacher S02E06 ‘Sokosha’ Review

Well, this was something else. We’ve gone from the worst episode of the show to the best episode! Sure, I was a bit confused when the episode started, but it all fit together in the end. “I started having second thoughts, and then second thoughts about the second thoughts.” When this episode began I actually […]