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Review: Doctor Who: Engines of War

“War changes everyone…even the Doctor.” Whovians, do you remember how you felt last year on May 18th? The Name of the Doctor was on. We watched through the entire episode, generally being amazed by all of the great throwbacks to the past and extremely-creepy villains…and then came the ending. For the first time, we saw John Hurt’s […]

In Defence of Video Games

As a gamer, writer, e-sports enthusiast, and general all around nerd, I don’t like seeing my passions strung about in mainstream media like the scapegoat for all things wrong with “the youth of today.” Yet for as long as I have had a vested interest in keeping up to date with the goings on of […]

Forgotten Childhood – Aladdin

The Initial Release (1992) Like most Disney princess generation movies they started as folklore stories. Aladdin is no different. This tale originated in the Middle East and was only one tale from The Book Of One Thousand and One Nights. It wasn’t part of the original book but was added into the collection by author Antoine Galland, […]

Opinion: Binge Watching And Its Effect(s)

I’m sure many are aware of the eponymous trend that is the subject of this post.  Setting aside some time to watch your favorite shows back-to-back is fast becoming a ubiquitous practice in the age of DVD box sets and more recently Netflix.  More than that, it would seem that television networks have gotten wise […]