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Gif Essay: Otaku Haze

Right fine I’ll admit it I might have been/currently still in a hardcore Anime marathon/binge/wasting my life spree! I’m proud of it and no there haven’t been any terrible side effects to report! I mean I’m suffering from partial blurred vision, sure I hear everything one pitch higher than it should normally sound, a migraine […]

Funimation Announces Streaming Service

Yes, you read that correctly! According to UK Anime Network, Funimation has announced that they will launch a UK streaming service this February which will be called FunimationNow. The announcement stated that: “February will mark the debut of FunimationNow, our all-new anime streaming service, with completely redesigned mobile apps. We’ll still be bringing you all the subtitled […]

Gallery: Sailor Heroines

We have artist Drachea Rannak to thank for taking these two iconic pieces of animation history and combining them to create magic. Rannak takes the Sailor Scouts from the anime side and Disney princesses/heroines from the western animation world to create the sailor princesses and heroines. Rannak gives them not only their own Sailor persona […]