A new game has been announced by Fox, set in the Alien universe. Called Alien: Blackout, it is set after the events of 2014 Alien: Isolation and again follows Amanda Ripley. You and a small crew are trapped aboard a crippled Weyland-Yutani space station carrying a deadly Xenomorph. Using damaged controls, you are tasked with defending your ship, track the alien and directing your crew to safety. It has similar mechanics to the Five Nights at Freddy’s series, where you use cameras, lights and shutters to defend your position.
Alien: Blackout is a smaller, intimate experience, as it releases on mobile devices later in January. D3 Go! are tasked with development duties. Although it’s a mobile experience, the devs seem to have nailed the look of the world. At a lower price of around €5, it is said to have no microtransactions.
Alien: Blackout is coming to the App Store, Google Play and Amazon Appstore on January 24th.