Home Tag "Alien"

Details Revealed For Alien: Blackout

A new game has been announced by Fox, set in the Alien universe. Called Alien: Blackout, it is set after the events of 2014 Alien: Isolation and again follows Amanda Ripley. You and a small crew are trapped aboard a crippled Weyland-Yutani space station carrying a deadly Xenomorph. Using damaged controls, you are tasked with […]

Aliens VS Predator – Who Really Wins?

When it comes to Aliens VS Predator who cares about the fate of humanity! Grab some popcorn and a ring side seat as we beat of the most terrifying space creatures/beings against each other! The winner? Well you decide, who would truly come out the victor of Aliens and Predators went to war! [playbuzz-item item=”833c7d9e-f82f-4396-b844-3b0b0d1134b1″ […]

Screen Savers – Alien³ (Alien Cubed)

Alien 3, or Alien Cubed as I often call it, is my least favourite Alien film. And this includes AVP and actually… wait… AVP Requiem could be worse, I apparently just unblocked memory of that film. Well if nothing else, Requiem was technically horrendous in that you can barely see what’s happening throughout the film, […]

Ridley Scott Wants More Alien Films

Alien: Covenant won’t be out for a couple of months and Ridley Scott is already thinking about a sequel. In an interview with the Sidney Morning Herald (he’s currently shooting in Australia) Scott says that Covenant will be a return to the classic horror of Alien. He also states that he sees it as a […]

A Tribute To John Hurt

On January 25, 2017 we lost an icon in the entertainment industry, Sir John Hurt. I originally had another plan for the next time I would bring you the EwTube feature, but in light of this sad news, I wanted to pay tribute to a truly wonderful actor. John Hurt began acting in 1962 and […]

MORE Creepy Short Films – Ewtube

It’s Halloween week, so I think it’s appropriate for some more creepy short films. Unlike Carrie’s piece last week, these aren’t my favourites. I’m remise to admit it but I a bit of a wuss watching some of these, well it’s really just the lead up to jumpscares that gets me, but I powered through it […]

Mortal Kombat XL Hitting Steam In October

Itching to make more fatalities in the one place no one’s allowed to call you a monster? Good news! You may recall Mortal Kombat XL‘s unfortunate cancellation on the PC earlier this year. Luckily, NeatherRealm studios is finally bringing Mortal Kombat XL to Steam on October 5. The game promises new playable characters including the […]