Home Comics Marvel’s Inhumans Is Definitely Cancelled
Marvel’s Inhumans Is Definitely Cancelled

Marvel’s Inhumans Is Definitely Cancelled


Just in case you liked the series and were hoping by some miracle or human error, it’s been confirmed that Marvel’s Inhumans will not be returning. ABC confirmed that it will not be returning to any of our screens big or small.

The series kicked off with a premier on IMAX cinema screens that no doubt hurt it’s chances; tanking large sums of money on opening night, is never a good sign. Fans had plenty to say about the show well before it aired though many pulling it apart for it’s visual effects and such.

On that same note, another Marvel television series’ fate is still up in the air. Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. is in television limbo. While the show has done far better than Inhumans it’s not exactly a stable show to be compared with. Add that to the fact that the series is seeing a decline in ratings over seasons. It doesn’t hurt to be optimistic but I wouldn’t be putting big money on it’s continued run.

Oh well, more time for the bigger/better shows! Jessica Jones anyone?
