Final Fantasy Overwatch
I’m kind of afraid to look at how many hourse I’ve clocked up playing Overwatch. I’m equally if not more terrified to check out how much real world monies I’ve blown on loot boxes! When will I ever learn?!
I can’t even boast I’m doing anything productive! I’m stuck in Platinum hell every season! Compare that to thw work of Youtuber, The Salt Factory and I feel even more terrible. Have you ever wondered what Overwatch would be like as a turn based rpg? Well wonder no longer!
The Salt Factory has invested three months in creating the video below. Casting McCree, Bastion, Mercy and Reinhardt as a party who encounter a wild Roadhog and do battle.
Make sure you stick around until the end for some post credits shenanigans!
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!