Home Tag "Blizzard"

LEGO Overwatch Sets Coming Soon

Blizzard and LEGO are teaming up to release some Overwatch figures and sets. A new teaser (below) has revealed that Tracer will be the first hero in LEGO form. Build the perfect team, brick by brick. Coming soon: @LEGO_Group Overwatch sets! pic.twitter.com/Z04bCgyGDu — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 2, 2018 Keep an eye on the official Overwatch […]

Gamescom Megapost – Blizzard

Yay! Finally! My fangirl time to shine! Anyone who knows me knows that since last year I’ve been pretty much completely indoctrinated by Blizzard. Seriously, Overwatch was a gateway drug to the most dangerous addicting substance known to man: World of Warcraft. Blizzard always tends to bring a good show to Gamescom and I was so excited […]

Whatchu Doin’… Laura

To say this has been a busy month for me would be an understatement. I have been absolutely run ragged over the past few weeks. Why? Because I just moved out of my parent’s house into a new apartment! And yes, I am telling everyone! I can’t tell you how happy this experience has been, but […]

Overwatch Finally Releases Doomfist

Doomfist Approaches In Overwatch, there are few characters who have been more anticipated than Doomfist. Ever since the first cinematic trailer, we’ve been hearing about this hero. The title of Doomfist handed down through the generations to all who wield the infamous Doomfist gauntlet. We’ve seen multiple attempts from Talon to secure this weapon, as well […]