Home Tag "overwatch"

LEGO Overwatch Sets Coming Soon

Blizzard and LEGO are teaming up to release some Overwatch figures and sets. A new teaser (below) has revealed that Tracer will be the first hero in LEGO form. Build the perfect team, brick by brick. Coming soon: @LEGO_Group Overwatch sets! pic.twitter.com/Z04bCgyGDu — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 2, 2018 Keep an eye on the official Overwatch […]

Gamescom Megapost – Blizzard

Yay! Finally! My fangirl time to shine! Anyone who knows me knows that since last year I’ve been pretty much completely indoctrinated by Blizzard. Seriously, Overwatch was a gateway drug to the most dangerous addicting substance known to man: World of Warcraft. Blizzard always tends to bring a good show to Gamescom and I was so excited […]

Overwatch D.VA Gaming Chair – Must Have

I’ve got to admit, I’ve been very slow to hop on board the Overwatch hype train. I’m not a huge gamer these days, if you don’t count occasionally remembering to remove weeds on Animal Crossing. Therefore, I’ve been reluctant to actually start playing the game that has stolen so many people’s hearts (and free time). […]

Overwatch Religion; Our Winston Who Art In Space

Overwatch Be With You To say nerds are a devoted bunch is an understatement. We already have officially recognised religions for Jedi, Sith and Trekkies. Well, good news! We have one more fandom religion to join for fans of the gaming giant Overwatch.   Recently, Brazil signed off on official paperwork to enact the “National Church […]