You know, Lord of the Rings is one of those iconic franchises from our childhood that probably helped shape most of us into who we are today. Who didn’t want to be a badass elf with epic archery skills or a tough-talking dwarf who was always up for some good times? However, I think it’s the kind bunch of Hobbits who we should take on as our role models, since they really seem to have daily life all figured out!
So today, we’ll take a look at what it is that makes the Hobbits such a happy folk!
Hobbits understand the importance of food…
And they can throw one heck of a party…
Hobbits know the true meaning of friendship…
Bravery is in their nature…
Turning their back on a challenge isn’t an option (no matter how big or small)…
They know how to accessorise…
Although they might not always have the best judgement…
But Hobbits are loyal to the end!
Man…why couldn’t I have been born a Hobbit?
Anything else you love about the Hobbit lifestyle? Let us know in the comments!
Doing a little of this, a little of that. If you see me holding a camera, run!
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Sam <3 https://68.media.tumblr.com/00a9f9ba9dcbb0dc5ffbb941775c46ab/tumblr_nnofpon5Do1rqg00io1_500.gif