Home Tag "guide to life"

A Hobbit’s Guide To Life

You know, Lord of the Rings is one of those iconic franchises from our childhood that probably helped shape most of us into who we are today. Who didn’t want to be a badass elf with epic archery skills or a tough-talking dwarf who was always up for some good times? However, I think it’s the […]

J.D’s Guide to Life

John Dorian. Newbie. Bambi. Carol. The doctor of many names is one of the wisest people that has graced our screens. After working at Sacred Heart, you would probably gain incredible philosophical insight too. Scrubs is one of those shows you can still watch even though you know every episode inside out. So today we are taking […]

Scott Pilgrim’s Guide To Life

Not so long ago, in the mysterious land of Toronto, Canada, we looked into Scott Pilgrim’s views on life. Today, the Arcade brings you some pearls of wisdom that come straight from the mouth of our favourite Canadian bass player. Scott on…Peers On…adventure On…appearances On…etiquette On…motivation On…romance On…talent On…the future On…health On…wealth Are there any […]