Home Comics All-New Wolverine Uncovers New Siblings
All-New Wolverine Uncovers New Siblings

All-New Wolverine Uncovers New Siblings


If you’ve checked out our All-New All-Different Marvel, Characters To Watch post, you’ll know that X-23 has now taken up the mantle of Wolverine in the Marvel comic universe.

Speaking to Comic Book Resources, All-New Wolverine writer Tom Taylor helps us get to the bottom of the developing storyline that currently has Laura discovering the existence of four clones of herself created by Alchemax Genetics.

The three surviving clones Bellona, Zelda, and Gabrielle all represent parts of Laura’s personality Taylor explains “her rage and impulsiveness and anger are all present in Bellona. Her maturity, icy calmness in the face of adversity and tactical abilities are seen in Zelda. The sister lost in issue #1 was driven but fatalistic, another aspect of Laura we’ve seen in the past. Gabby is a little different. Gabby represents what Laura could have been, what all the sisters could have been.”

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